Hot as Hell [v 0.20]

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Description: This is a dating sim game which is situated in hell. You'll meet lots of different creatures. As this is hell there is no place for anything peaceful and boring - only hardcore sex and brutality. Your task is to rule the hell. Do whatever it takes to get allies and unite them all.

Posted: 2017-08-02. Request for an Update!

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za LoneWolf @ 2020-02-05 18:22:37

I have all 4 girls on lover and I have maxed out the 3 clans respected its 67 33 and 67 but I'm still unable to reach the lower level can anyone help


us Qenis @ 2019-02-15 19:52:20

How do I get stronger? I keep getting stuck


za LoneWolf @ 2020-02-05 18:23:45

Qenis, use the punching bag in the pub to get stronger


us hi @ 2018-04-06 02:35:31

true all player stat max the girls 70ish and the clan is 67-33-67


ca hello @ 2017-11-28 02:15:03

wait, is ebola-chan bisexual?


ma SexyFoxy @ 2017-11-14 17:19:48

the game takes a long time to go in but still great game


de asdf918 @ 2017-11-13 19:11:46

There's nothing new in this update beside you'll now have to play a minigame of gifts and a little quiz before getting to the sex scenes.


us ANIME LOVER @ 2017-11-11 02:49:45

how do you get the girls in demon to like you over 70%


pt Derp @ 2017-11-04 13:55:47

All stats 100. All items bought. All girls @ 70ish can't find another way to raise further. Relationships @67 - 33 - 67 how to raise higher? Can't find anything else to do.


au Somebody Once Told Me @ 2017-11-04 13:09:03

The game wont load. it's just a white screen


us something @ 2017-10-03 02:02:41

Max stats by pub tall characters can reach partner level(passes lover) together training support in pub first for humans need buy items for everyone, and factory comes second games not finished so cannot hit lower layer or the "construction sights"


ca still cant think a name @ 2017-08-20 09:20:01

wait, their is something wrong with ebola-chan, once i get relation 93% or so, the game becomes unplayable.


ca cant think of a name. @ 2017-08-20 08:52:25

funny enough, this game can be beaten in under 30 minutes. lol


us blackwolf420 @ 2017-08-20 05:22:58

how long do u think it will take to be fully finished


us Ebola kun @ 2017-08-11 06:46:19

I lost everything execpt ebola yaaa wait why in the fuck am i fucking ebola lol at least i will die the most fucking death i know altough i dont plan to spend more time trying to get to the bottom btw this was a great game


co What the... @ 2017-08-05 12:07:56

Interresting game. Graphics aren't especially good but there is a bit of challenge which reward with scene sex. However, as the game is not complete yet ther are not a lot of features


nl jeboiskinnyp @ 2017-08-03 14:13:27

i cant get to the lower level i have 67 demons and humans but only 33 on chimaras i have all of them at lover i think


de slay that pussy @ 2017-08-03 11:01:36

this game is good because it gives you a little challenge so each time you get a sex scene its a lot more rewarding but it glitches like a bitch the game is unfinished


ru Firstcoment @ 2017-08-02 05:00:01

So I played this when it was first put up, and it worked beautifully. The sex scenes were laggy, but it made a lot of sense to me. Although I got "stuck" and had sex with the mine demon and I got stuck with her up like I was talking and all she said was cumming and I couldn't do anything.


us Anon @ 2017-08-02 03:37:08

Okay, some experimenting: Pub is where you raise stats, just spam bag-darts-wine for stat ups. They don't do much it seems aside from unlock the Dullahan. You don't seem to be able to get to the lower circle. Also, the lag seems to be on the cumshot scenes, but only the pub girl, catgirl, and factory girl seem to *have* cum. Doctor girl and Dullhan don't. Chimera happiness caps at 33, but the other two cap at 67. An unfinished game, clearly.


us Anon @ 2017-08-02 02:54:36

This game is buggy as fuck. Seriously, there's minimal instruction, no apparent way to raise stats, and the sex scenes are laggy as hell. What do you even *do*?


gr JamesMcDick @ 2017-08-02 02:05:45

mmm...wont play and just show a white screen...or not it just played


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