Inheritance [v A94]

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Tags: Adventure, Big Tits, Blondes, Bondage, Cumshot, Cunnilingus, Fetish, Games, Handjob, High Resolution, HTML Games, Love, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Over 18, Quiz, Redheads, Sandbox Games, School Girls, Sex, Simulators, Uncensored, Visual Novels

User Tags: i may be a degenerate but at least im not a pedo, Eve deserves to be protected, Anna is absolutely best girl, what is going on with the tag section, Slavery, Eve love, text based, ANNA GANG FOR LIFE, Blond Girls, Work in progress., Yall some horny mfs, i want to fuck them everywhere, Pregnant, certified hood classic, IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE, KONO DIO DA, hokage dattebayo, WRYYYY, Harem, Theres no lions in Jojolion

Description: Your weird uncle left you a big mansion. You visit it and find out that he was owning slaves and 2 cute girls are still there. Two grown up girls Anna and Eve are at your disposal. Read the story and decide some of your actions in interaction with them to move forward and reach naughty scenes.

Version: Updated: 2024-07-24, Posted: 2019-07-22. Request for an Update!

Comments and advices on the walkthrough for Inheritance [v A94] porn game:

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us Polygamy @ 2022-12-12 03:10:32

Cant get the Anna and Eve wedding to trigger


us Tyr @ 2022-08-11 19:34:04

Uploader. We are willing to be a few updates behind to keep the cheats. Gamcore doesn’t save properly and most of us don’t like having to slog threw everything again to get to the good content. Love the game we want to play it but just don’t want to keep loosing all our progress

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us Toy Soldier @ 2022-08-14 00:40:08

Tyr, I whole heartedly agree.


us Twatasarus Rex420 @ 2022-09-14 01:11:02

I played without cheats I'm over 100000k and have most servants including Rebekah and sidra all from the vanni content !?!!


us Tyr @ 2022-10-04 20:31:56

Twatasarus Rex420, oh you have found Vanni? I have been looking for them. Where are they?


tt Rhy @ 2022-11-09 06:16:30

Tyr, vanni is in Pendleton west street from 3am in the morning


us Tyr @ 2022-11-11 00:42:49

Rhy, thanks for the info!


ca EZwin @ 2022-07-13 17:54:05

everyone flood the comments with cheats in protest for cheats

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us ble087 @ 2022-07-14 08:36:03

EZwin, do you know this game well? cause rn i’m bored cause i’m just doing the same stuff over and over yet everyone is talking about buying all this stuff and doing everything while idk wtf i’m even doing


us Rouge @ 2022-08-30 04:08:34

Cheats give them back


us zachsmafia1002 @ 2023-06-06 21:29:05

ble087, It's Sadly Hard To Get Any Information, But There Is A Wiki Link For The Game In The Left Menu, Just Go Down To The Full Menu And tap inheritance -JackTheGoldwatcher


ca Anoynoms @ 2021-08-12 13:00:27

the devs really need to bring back the cheats


us Tyr @ 2021-05-18 13:40:16

I just hope they upload a cheat version of this game again. The new stuff looks good but i dont have t8me to unlock all that content again


us filthynice @ 2021-02-22 20:49:26

I loved this ... But I'm not going to start again if the cheat menu has been removed .. I've read and reread too much text to forget the story in my first play through so I'll check back in a month or so to see if the cheat menu was added back ..or else I'll forget about playing it entirely (TBH)

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ie Nickname @ 2021-02-22 22:33:06

or you can download it from the creators patreon a nd save your progress that way


us filthynice @ 2021-05-18 19:19:34

Consideration of such action comes after a final product is formed ... At that point, a cheat menu is not necessary regardless how enjoyable it was and how seldom i encountered a noteworthy bug or issue



filthynice, it is necessary why remove a feature, You probably love when people do that, here's a feature removed because of no reason -JACK


ph Cuttlefish @ 2020-12-01 04:46:26

I don't know why the dev removed the cheat option. It took me a month, in game, just to grind for $5K, the money required to buy Sidra. And getting her is a one-time deal. Good luck getting enough cash to buy an engagement ring for Anna, which costs $100K. As of A46, only the job at the Quickiemart is the reliable way to get cash. Theater job is broken. Working at the nightclub is too chancy and only pays $20, the same amount you will get by working at Quickiemart.

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us Ancientsilver67 @ 2023-03-28 15:20:25

Cuttlefish, you should get the better pc and do writing every time you do ot the money you get increases


us Jerkfree @ 2020-11-12 09:23:20

I seriously agree with putting the CHEAT back in.... The dev,,, made it like the rest of the grind infested shit games on this site,, One there's NO pictures or videos.TWO its a BOOK in its present state the dev,, could add a few pics here and there to make it more of graphic novel???

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mx stainelcazador @ 2020-12-30 22:33:57

Jerkfree, viejo es 2 juego gratis ni tienes que pagar 1 centavo mejor callate y disfruta XD


us Jerkfree @ 2021-07-16 14:40:32

stainelcazador, you read my comment in English so reply in English!!!! I have NO Idea what you wrote!!!!


us not a total idiot @ 2022-01-06 15:25:32

Jerkfree, you could just copy paste the text to google translate instead of complaining. Anyways, the cheat version costs money on Patreon. If you want it so bad, why don't you pay for it?


us Nyx @ 2020-11-09 23:55:23

i dunno why aftermath decided 2 take the cheats out getting money TAKES FOREVER i takes me a whole iin game year 2 get 37k working at theater and jen cant be recruited on bridge i did it u can push her off bridge or help her i recruited in in bookworm i think i did in nov


ca Viktor Reznov @ 2020-10-15 04:59:46


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ph Say what @ 2020-10-15 11:54:44

Viktor Reznov, MASON, NO!!! You deserve my like. XD And comment~


ca n @ 2020-11-23 03:14:07

Viktor Reznov, the number msson what do they mean


us Mastergamer @ 2020-06-17 06:18:48

How do you get the engagement ring?

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us Threes @ 2022-09-28 20:10:48

Mastergamer, travel in middle pendleton till it says you wander by the shop also you need 10k


us BetterThanIGN @ 2020-02-01 10:49:39

I really enjoy this game, I hope dev's keep working on it! And add more scenes, art and story! 8/10!


fr Roros @ 2019-08-15 13:23:51

One of the best game I've played on this site so far.


ca GoodDude @ 2019-08-14 08:08:53

This is the kind of stuff I wish there was more of. An emotionally invested story with the type of interactivity you'd find in Trials in Tainted Space (another really good game). I look forward to future updates.

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us Jerkfree @ 2019-08-15 00:14:20

GoodDude, i did see changelog at least the creator is adding content unlike most of the games on this site


br Unknow @ 2019-08-03 03:39:36

I am someone who normally doesn't take sex games seriously, as you should. And i admit i have always been fond of the rough/rapish ones, and in my first play of Inherintance i followed this idea. But when i restarted just to test the kind path... i would NEVER go back do the rapish one. The emotional weight in this game is way above the normal quality for a fucking sex game, i can't stress enough how impressed i am by this. Just the feeling you get from being nice, s

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us Hunter @ 2022-06-01 02:50:26

Unknow, it hurts more when you read there back stories


ru Anonymous @ 2019-07-25 07:30:39

>Treating both girls as ever kind and doing absolutely no single harmful shit to any ot them >At the sudden eavesdropping behind their rooms door you listening as Eve invokes Anna to escape from the mansion because "He's no better to you than our former master, and he's worse to me" Watta fahk TomStare So offensive and heartbreaking

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ru Anonymous @ 2019-07-25 07:31:55

Actually, paragraphs supposed to be here


ru Anonymous @ 2019-07-27 04:44:59

And since I... "hired" a new servant called Mitsuko I couldnt ever guess I'll be intending to gather my own harem!


ru Anonymous @ 2019-07-27 07:36:33

And also this game turns in smth sorda gay thing as you hiring Reymond - when you catching him doing his gardening chores one of the following context options is "Stand and watch him work with interest, appreciating his feminine build." Guess my harem comes fucked up, lol


ro Bullet2008 @ 2019-08-24 20:04:38

Anonymous, how do you listen to them so you can hear?


gb Anon @ 2020-02-09 13:42:26

Anonymous, The point of Reymond is that down the line you can transform him into a woman. Once the lab gets fully implemented.


us fifi @ 2020-07-25 09:36:56

Anonymous, as a bisexual I see Reymond as a very nice addition the game lol, d and v are both pretty damn good


gb Manicore @ 2019-07-24 17:52:42

check the mail box on April 5th, this leads you to the next step of the story as well as a peek at the games future content. SPOILER WARNING: the story seems to favour players who treat the two girls with kindness.

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co S.Nik @ 2019-07-24 20:42:38

Manicore, There's nothing in the mail box on April 5th


gb Manicore @ 2019-07-25 00:17:09

S.Nik, that's when I got it, so its possible it only appears under certain parameters. the only other advice I could give is keep checking the mail box everyday whilst improving Anna`s relationship. for reference when the letter appeared she had 800+ affection, 800+ trust and fear was under 100. this is a new game so I'm only drawing straws here, my apologies.


us That one guy @ 2019-07-25 04:57:59

Manicore, It's cool brother, any info is appreciated.


us That one guy @ 2019-07-25 05:18:52

Manicore, But you are 100% right, as soon as I got Anna to 800+ affection, 800+ trust and 100- fear the letter was in the mail box.


us Bruh @ 2019-08-18 19:22:30

Manicore, You need Eve's affection above 650 and fear below 250 and Anna's affection above 800 and fear below 200


gb Anom @ 2019-07-23 18:14:43

Came for the sex but ended up playing hide and seek and going on picnics instead. Can't wait for more stuff to be added!

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co Anon31 @ 2019-11-06 23:45:52

Anom, I know what you mean, I didn't expect it to be so heart-warming and fun just playing around like a normal human being.


br i lack creativity @ 2020-04-21 22:35:12

Anon31, i mean, i have no fucking idea how, but this PORN GAME was for me more emotional than most games out there. I honestly came to just fuck the girls and quit, but it got really sad really fast


ch Its me @ 2019-07-23 14:35:45

really nice game, would be cool if u could use the Laboratory

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us tone98 @ 2019-07-24 06:12:53

Its me, me too ive been reasearching the lab for almost a whole 2 weeks straight and still nothing


br TipMaster @ 2019-08-24 22:15:31

tom98, Oh animal eles ainda não adicionaram nada pro laboratório


es HUEHUE @ 2020-07-23 01:48:41

TipMaster, BR aqui carai, o cara ainda usou português


us ILoveSmallTits @ 2019-07-22 23:49:13

Can't wait fr more to be added to this game! Love it so far


us blblblbl @ 2019-07-22 23:06:00

Would be a good game if I wanted to mistreat the slaves... oups

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nz B.Nice @ 2019-07-27 12:21:15

blblblbl, you... do know you can treat them well, right? or did you _choose_ the nasty options?


es Emir @ 2019-10-11 07:57:17

Please Help! How can I kill the slaves? No matter how hard or long I beat them, they just won't die.


nz WTF @ 2019-10-28 00:19:14

Emir, Wtf is wrong with you


us ummm @ 2019-11-29 04:55:17

Emir, you can't it's not a game about death


us Tian @ 2020-03-29 21:14:18

can you kill them yet?


gb Striker101102 @ 2020-09-01 14:25:30

Tian, They can die


us Jerkfree @ 2021-02-22 14:31:11

Emir, WTF!! You must be a 12yr old kid that kills animals just to watch them suffer!! You need a mental evaluation soon, i don't like the game doesn't have pictures and videos but you need help!!.


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