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Flash Games! We recommend to play Flash Games again with Gamcore Browser on your computer PC or Mac.
Tags: Animations, EXE, Flash, Flash Yoke of the Day, Jokes, Over 18, Toys
Description: In this game, a stupid sexy blonde girl went to a sex boutique to buy a dildo. Upon reaching there, the salesman offered her a large assortment of dildos from the smallest one to the biggest one. Turns out she loves heavy duty sex toys that stretch her out and massage her insides. She decides to pay $100 for a thermos bottle. Play to find out what she will do with the thermos. Maybe she will masturbate and fuck her pussy with it. There's only one way to find out what she's up to. Play and enjoy watching her pleasure herself.
Posted: 2008-03-08.
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View all commentsHi guysi need someone to fuckkk