Naughty Nurse
Full Screen Add to FavouritesTags: Brunettes, EXE, Flash, Games, Group Sex, Jokes, Lesbians, LGBTQ+, Logical, Medicine, Oral Sex, Over 18, Perversion, Point and Click, Public Sex, Puzzle, Quests, Sex, Sexy Nurses, Skill Based
Description: You’re in a hospital room with a lovely nurse. Your job is to find all the hotspots to interact with and see some funny actions. Explore the room and click on different areas to uncover these hotspots. Each one reveals a new and entertaining action. Once you’ve found all the hotspots, you’ll unlock the chance to join a threesome with two hot nurses. The game combines exploration with playful surprises, making it both fun and engaging. Use the simple navigation to interact with the environment and enjoy the humorous and steamy scenes that follow. Dive into the game, find the hotspots, and see how the story unfolds with the nurses.
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Nice and very