Midnight Paradise [v 0.25]

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Description: You take the role of a guy called Connor. You are a self-centred narcissistic person and you low-key know it. The story begins with you fucking Chad's girlfriend. Chad is your ride or die but you just couldn't resist his girl. Bro code doesn't exist in your vocabulary. Chad catches the two of you fucking on the toilet seat. Everyone hates your guts because you fuck other people's girlfriend and you are rich as hell. But everything changes when your dad takes away your credit cards. Let's see what will happen next. Will you grow some morals or go on a sex rampage?
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Version: Updated: 2024-07-18, Posted: 2019-09-10. Request for an Update!

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de Lucifer @ 2023-06-20 03:55:41

images dont work so the game isnt even worth playing


fi Bassman @ 2023-05-26 16:14:17

uh won´t see any animations ??

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us Black Dog @ 2024-05-18 17:33:17

Bassman, ya even now may 18 2024 animations dont all work and a lot of stories are ignored but story has moved a little further on


us itsyaboi @ 2022-11-11 20:25:11

Great game but you need to fix the phone bug! Its been like 7 months with no updates or patches, thats kinda lame ngl


gb Skeng @ 2022-03-30 09:44:37

Error message when accessing the phone in the new update, can't get past this point - Please fix this bug

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gb jordnufc91 @ 2022-03-30 10:15:51

we need the phone to get to sofias office as she messages us the address in the phone


us sdsddsd @ 2022-03-29 22:51:45

Error: Script error. (see JavaScript console for details) what should i do


us Mindlesswanderer @ 2022-03-29 01:49:57

Can't access the phone at all. constantly getting errors.


nz Futa @ 2022-02-15 19:26:18

Landlord? Landlady? Roommate? Tenant? what the ever-stroking fuck?

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se Fellraven @ 2022-03-29 07:57:38

Futa, They have to name them like that because of those jackasses at patreon cant see any further than their predjudice waste of a brain. Just a bunch of narrowminded stuck up idiots. Some completley braindead jackass have bade a rule that anything on there cant have anything that even may relate to incest. So unless gamemakers start to use their brains and dump that shithole Patreon its how its going to be in every game.


ru Maxxxx @ 2022-02-13 18:36:52

I can't get a call from my room to continue the mission


ca no name @ 2021-06-20 16:38:07

I swear gamcore needs an update or something. Half of these games don't even work properly. For the people who want to play this game here you go https://porngameshub.com/midnight-paradise. However, the game is still doesn't have much content.

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us Truck Nuts @ 2022-02-09 07:00:49

I just had sex!!! Yeeeeahhhhh!!!! Fft....Oh no, I just farted on you. Sounds like a cheeseburger!!!


it wtf @ 2021-01-14 02:31:13

the game lasted 2 minutes, this is scioooooc bicooossss i was to starting to like


us thatguyfromtheir @ 2020-09-26 20:37:14

i cant save my game wtf

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it wtf @ 2021-01-14 02:36:28

thatguyfromtheir, ma che cazzo vuoi salvare che finisce in 4 secondi cugghiune


us xgod @ 2020-07-31 22:17:22

... ... nevermind, since it dies every time driving to Midnight City - early game. worthless.


ca A1happyplant420 @ 2019-11-27 00:49:53

Another glitch game I wouldn't pay nickle for GARBAGE!☹

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se Fellraven @ 2022-03-29 08:02:49

A1happyplant420, If you dont support gamemakers dont whine about games not beeing finished. You think it doesnt cost anything to make games? Its damn expecive to make games. If they never make any moey to keep working on games dont expect any updates or new games.


us Jerkfree @ 2019-09-12 01:43:50

Unknown error due to loading is all I got??


se rakopmy @ 2019-09-11 16:31:45

dude this is dope do more grate game fam (:


eg Double @ 2019-09-11 07:52:02

yo, this game has so much potential I'm glad in here gamcore rocks!!


us Marcos123 @ 2019-09-11 00:04:48

Game was short..wished we could've engaged in it more..

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us Marcos123 @ 2019-09-11 00:33:35

Marcos123, There's a game called IS(incest story 1 and 2)..if yall overlords reading this..maybe..check it out for us plz..or LewdIsland..or Being a Dyk..or Dating my Daughter..or Babysitter..or Summertime saga(especially summertime saga)..Lol


us Dicky @ 2019-09-11 18:52:19

Marcos123, Don't forget about Milfy City.


it Leccamone @ 2019-09-10 23:49:27

Cool game, but only prologe? :\


pl b @ 2019-09-10 16:10:46

cool game. but I wish this game was all


fi kulkuri84 @ 2019-09-10 15:19:25

what pissing. only prologue is loaded here, and then waiting supporting???!!

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gb Blorp @ 2019-09-10 14:01:53

the music volume is all kinds of broken, constantly jumping up and down. No real content here, just a demo. Skip it.

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| Version: Request for an Update?

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