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Flash Games! We recommend to play Flash Games again with Gamcore Browser on your computer PC or Mac.
Tags: Animations, Blondes, EXE, Flash, Flash Yoke of the Day, Handjob, Jokes, Over 18
Description: This game is about two sexy girls who were just minding their business and playing golf until one of them shoots the golf ball. It hits one man in-between his legs and he quickly falls down while groaning. She rushes down to him to see he is okay. As a good Samaritan, she starts massaging his dick hoping that it will make him feel all better. Turns out she's a physiotherapist and is good at managing pain. But by the looks of things, this guy is not in any pain whatsoever. He is just lying there enjoying a nice handjob!
Posted: 2008-03-08.
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View all commentsOw i got it!