Full Screen Add to FavouritesTags: Balls, Blondes, Brunettes, Cards, EXE, Flash, Games, Handjob, Lesbians, LGBTQ+, Numbers, Oral Sex, Over 18, Porn Stars, Puzzle, Real People, Sexy Ass, Sexy Babes, Skill Based, Strip, Toys, Video
Description: Have some fun with a new mix of pool and card game, with some hot lesbian action in the background! Your task is to cover the pocket with the same type of ball but with higher value. You play with the red ball. You must put the ball with the higher value to the pocket with the same suit, to "cover it. If the ball's value is higher than the pocket's - you go to the next level. If the ball's value is lower - you go level down. Each next level is more erotic. Try to get girls totally naked. Aim and hit with a mouse. Hit power may be adjusted with Arrow keys: Up-Down (Higher-Lower). Good luck!
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